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Miguel A. Casellas-Gil



Miguel Antonio Casellas-Gil has been involved in the world of dog shows since he was born. Together with his mother, María Gil, bred Golden Retrievers, Smooth Fox Terriers, American Cocker Spaniels and English Pointers. He also owned and showed other breeds like, Salukis, Basenjis, English Setters and Wire Haired Miniature Dachshunds among others.


At the age of 4, Miguel started competing in Junior Showmanship developing a successful carrier in National and International Competitions in Puerto Rico, Latin-America and the USA. In 1999 he won second Best Junior Handler in the World at the FCI World Dog Show in Mexico City.  As professional Handler he handled breeds from the 10 FCI groups, nationally and internationally, including 4 FCI World Dog Shows, the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York, and several FCI Americas and Caribbean Section Shows.


His first judging opportunity was at the World Dog Show 2005 in Buenos Aires, Argentina where Miguel judged over 90 junior handlers. In 2009 and under the mentorship of Mr. Rafael de Santiago and Mr. Roberto Vélez, the Federación Canófila de Puerto Rico (FCPR) approved him to judge all FCI breeds.


Mr. Casellas serves as Treasurer of the Federación Canófila de Puerto Rico (the Kennel Club of Puerto Rico) since 2007 and as its Communications Director. He has also attended, as delegate, the FCI General Assemblies in Dortmund 2003, Buenos Aires 2005, Mexico 2007 and Paris 2011. Miguel was the General Coordinator for the 2012 FCI Americas and Caribbean Section Show held in San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Miguel was recently appointed by the FCI to the FCI Youth founding group. The FCI Youth is the FCI President’s initiative to incentivize the participation of children, youngsters and young adult in cynological activities around the world.


Miguel is currently working as an Account Executive at Imagen Optima, an Advertising and Public Relations agency based in San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

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